Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I'd never really thought about blaming myself when I couldn't figure an object out. It came naturally to just say " Oh it's all my fault. I'm obviously too stupid to figure out how to use the car radio." But in Norman's " Design of Everyday Things"  he states that "the design is faulty and that others make the same errors. Still if the task appears simple or trivial, then people blame themselves." But why do we automatically blame ourselves if it's not our fault.  Norman goes on to say that we do it "as if we take perverse pride in thinking (ourselves) mechanically incompetent. " Personally, I do not take "perverse pride" in blaming myself when I can't figure out a design. I just automatically blame myself; it's my natural reaction. But how did it become my natural reaction? That's what I'm not sure of.  Perhaps I blame myself because I do not wish to insult the designer of the object. But that's silly because there is no way that the object's designer would ever know that I insulted them.  Or maybe it's because I don't want to look stupid in front of others, so I apologize for my stupidity and hope that takes the incident off the other's minds.  Or maybe I really do take a "perverse pride", like Norman says, in not being able to figure designs out.

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